Unity Fast:
A 30-Day Vigil Honoring Lives Lost in Gaza
Join UnityFast - a 30 day Ramadan vigil
Donate to UNRWA to help Palestine refugees
UnityFast is a dedication to the humans of Palestine, from humans across the globe. Our solidarity knows no borders and no bounds.
Beginning on March 11th (the first day of Ramadan, a much-awaited and blessed month in the Muslim lunar calendar), UnityFast will launch a 30-day vigil to honor the tens of thousands of lives lost in Gaza. Together, we'll fast on their behalf, carrying their memories through these blessed days and beyond. We dedicate our sacrifices and rewards to our Palestinian brothers and sisters in Gaza, the West Bank, and the world over.
You don't have to be Muslim to observe Ramadan, and you don't have to fast the entire month to reap its rewards. Fast for one, two, five, ten or any number of days, for the many who didn't live to observe this month and would have savored the opportunity.
Ramadan is just the beginning, and fasting is the first step in our pledge of solidarity. Continue to learn about Palestine; advocate for justice and Palestinian liberation; honor the innocent and those still under siege, and donate in response to the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
Tech for Palestine community member Tom Hall wrote and shared his participation in UnityFast with his network. If you can, we encourage you to do the same. Together, we will remember the tens of thousands of lives lost in Gaza, carrying their memories through these blessed days and beyond.